United States Department of Commerce Announces Preliminary Determinations on Aluminum Extrusions

We would like to inform you of significant developments in the realm of international trade compliance regarding aluminum extrusions. The United States Department of Commerce has recently issued a preliminary countervailing (CVD) determination on aluminum extrusions from four countries, namely China, Indonesia, Mexico, and the Republic of Turkey. Additionally, an anti-dumping (ADD) investigation has been ordered on aluminum extrusions from thirteen countries.

The countries and their corresponding ADD and/or CVD case numbers are as follows:

The scope of these ADD/CVD cases is broad and will have a significant impact on our automotive customers primarily. While preliminary determinations have been issued for the CVD cases, the ADD cases are still undergoing investigation. The Department of Commerce is currently behind schedule in issuing their preliminary determinations, as indicated by the original case calendar in the ITA Announcement.

Buckland strongly advises to review their commodity databases and parts databases to screen for products that may fall under the scope of these orders. Our team at Buckland Compliance is available to assist in navigating these complex cases and can provide consulting services at an hourly rate to determine if clients’ products are within the scope.

It’s crucial to note that ADD/CVD duties on finished goods containing in-scope aluminum extrusions will only be applied to the value of the in-scope aluminum extrusion itself. For example, if an imported air conditioner is valued at $1000 with the in-scope extruded aluminum frame valued at $250, ADD/CVD rates will only apply to the $250 worth of in-scope aluminum. Importers must ensure that the value of in-scope aluminum is clearly listed as a separate value on import invoices to ensure accurate duty payments.

Both aluminum extrusions in primary form and finished goods incorporating aluminum extrusions into their assembly are potentially subject to these cases.

For further details and to access source materials, please visit the following links:

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.