What is CARM?

What is CARM?

CARM – CBSA’s Assessment and Revenue Management project is a multi-year project that will be implemented in 4 phases. The Accounts Receivable Ledger (ARL) is phase 1 and will be rolled out on January 25, 2016. ARL is designed to improve service delivery by simplifying processes and expanding opportunities for the commercial trade community to interact electronically with CBSA.

What are the Changes?

ARL will replace CBSA’s revenue and cash management systems and will replace K84 reports with a Statement of Account (SOA) for both importers and third party service providers. The Statement of Account will be driven by business number, whereas the K84 report was driven by account security.

Daily Notices (DNs) will be provided with transaction detail, whereas the Statement of Account is a summary of the details provided in the Daily Notices.

The new Statement of Account will contain an “other section” and will document transaction types other than B3 transactions. These “other” document types are not included in the monthly obligation to the Receiver General and a payment due date will be noted.

How will these changes impact you?

Importers who hold their own Account Security Number (ASEC) are eligible to receive their own Daily Notices (DN) and Statements of Account (SOA) electronically or they could send them to a third party service provider by filling out an application form and sending it to the Technical Commercial Commerce Unit of CBSA.

Buckland clients will continue to receive a monthly statement and the transition to CARM will have minimal impact to our valued clients. Buckland will manage the DN and SOA process for you, the same way we manage the K84 process for you today.

Need more information?

CBSA is regularly updating the website with the latest of CARM.
